The Receivers: Psychosphere
This psychosphere, then, is simply the echo chamber of human resonance trapped in a perceptual bubble. It is an artifice of the fragmented soul selves who cast into deeply differentiated, you would say, ‘egoic’ units of cognition.

Eye of the Needle 2022 | 11-07-22: "Eclipse I"
It's duality, yet its a monolith...a thing IS and is NOT.
How to explain the journey home---we NEVER left.
Like children returning from an adventure at dusk, as shadows loom and creatures of imagination run rampant. Yet, the glow of the light from a place we call "home" beckons us back to what is safe, what is calm, and from whence we came as part of a Unity that can never be severed. The Soul knows its way home...

The Receivers: The Terminus
The pivot and the incursion of technology into the realm of the human creational sphere; “Warning Will Robinson'!”

Conversation with Carlos del Angel: Light Over Darkness
Carlos del Angel is the voice to Latin America about the UFO (now called UAPS) phenomenon. About sightings, "contacts", abductions, and the mystical aspects of the occult system which presently rules over this world. Carlos is, was I say at the beginning, my brother from another mother. He is the founder of the "Shiny Demise Project" which encompasses his radio broadcasts and book writing projects to there Latin world.

Niish | The Simulacrum In Utero Pt1
The technology of assimilation. We are “getting interfaced” via algorithmic experiences which are not part of our natural system. There are keys to detecting this encroachment: we reverse the algorithms using sensory cues as markers for experiential shifts programmed by the A.I. bots.
This alien infection follows the course of “natural” viruses (viruses are not, per se, natural) via inflammation, brain fog, debilitating long term effects of radiation and biological terraforming. Our world—our bodies are the battleground, Knowing this, we either become more aware and counter the invaders—or we are subsumed?

Grey Aliens and Artificial Intelligence w/ Danielle Silverman and Prof. John Biggerstaff Pt2
We are joined by Danielle Silverman, chief researcher, long time colleague, and editorial consultant to the late Nigel Kerner; along with Professor John P. Biggerstaff, also a long time colleague and scientific voice in numerous radio presentations.
Reveals How Our Rush Toward a Technologically Advanced Future is Part of the Grey Alien Agenda
Humanity’s biggest existential threat is our headlong rush to a technologically advanced future. Already we increasingly rely on smart devices tothe point that they are becoming extensions of our bodies. We are at a turning point for our species in which our natural humanity is gradually being converted into an artificial format that will lead to the loss of our souls. And, as Nigel Kerner revealsin astonishing detail, the blueprints for this future already exist.Kerner explains how there are civilizations in our universe that have developed advanced technologies to become entirely artificial.

Grey Aliens and Artificial Intelligence w/ Danielle Silverman and Prof. John Biggerstaff-Part 1
We are joined by Danielle Silverman, chief researcher, long time colleague, and editorial consultant to the late Nigel Kerner; along with Professor John P. Biggerstaff, also a long time colleague and scientific voice in numerous radio presentations.
Humanity’s biggest existential threat is our headlong rush to a technologically advanced future. Already we increasingly rely on smart devices tothe point that they are becoming extensions of our bodies. We are at a turning point for our species in which our natural humanity is gradually being converted into an artificial format that will lead to the loss of our souls. And, as Nigel Kerner revealsin astonishing detail, the blueprints for this future already exist.Kerner explains how there are civilizations in our universe that have developed advanced technologies to become entirely artificial.

Confronting The Duality - Earth Empaths and Randy Maugans
Christine Anderson and Claudia (a/ka/ Karelia) run the earthempaths.net website, and hosted this conversation which grew out of discussions we had about where humankind is headed in this "compression cycle" (eye of the needle) epoch. Words are sometimes limited as to how to convey what we are facing---the breakdown of our duality-based reality; the convergence of seemingly warring factions of the collective consciousness towards a completely new paradigm---or---a logical split in the race.

James Bartley-The Cosmic Switchboard: Randy Maugans Interview-Part 1: The Consciousness Field
In-depth exploration of the human capacities and present limitations to operate in the consciousness field. How humans are constructed to receive information from nature—-both terrestrial and “space bounded”. How the galactic system itself IS a highly active codes generation field via the galactic Central Sun and its network of local sun-stars. How certain “off world”/”alien” races have fenced off this capacity; how the elevated energies are now coming through despite the “Annunaki grid works”; what this means for humanity now and in the near future.
To be honest, I was worried if this interview even held up. I know I was tapping into all my reserve forces to do this talk. Was it even coherent? Sometimes, I just know it isn't the egoic "me" that does these stream-of-consciousness presentations. I thank the Guides for being there throughout this entire conversation. And most high praises for Mr. Bartley, who is a master interviewer in his own right.

Elise E | Breaking Down MKUltra: Our Life Beyond
In this one-on-one interview, former MkUltra asset, Elise, goes deep into her healing process from the trauma, multiple personalities, and violent abuse of the covert operations umbrellaed under MKUltra. She explains the relationship between her "front personality" and the multiples; the role the "alters" played in constructing the collages; how these "beings", as she calls them, also wanted it all to end.
We go through the complications of fear, guilt, and shame; and how forgiveness operates on a very high level. The importance of the conversation is that, through orchestrated mass events (the most recent beginning in 2020), MKUltra techniques have been taken global. The principles of healing are universal: whether from covert programs, violence or sexual abuse---any type of trauma---operates on the unconscious level. The answer is in the Spiritual.

James Bartley | Dark Frequency Mass Infection: The Cosmic Theater of War on the Human
James Bartley joins us to cast a sharp eye and broad mind onto the landscape of this present earth system. It may sound "dark"---it is. It may seem hopeless---it is NOT. We work through the puzzles as people of exceptional vision, what were once shadows now have form. Understanding that we move forward.
Topics: Weather, weather wars, artificial weather, climate change; the cosmic war: A.I.,the Wetiko, demiurgic, archontic “ghost in the machine” scenario….

The Hidden Gateway Podcast - Jesston Williams w guest, Randy Maugans
Host Jesston Williams is a very new acquaintance/friend, whom I met through intro via Niish. He asked me to come on his podcast for a---what turned out to be---pretty expansive 90 minutes of gestalt busting. I never know what any particular interviewer will ask me, that's the fun of being an interview subject. The interactions are synergistic and many times my spontaneous replies are unexpected, even to me. This is one of those.

Joseph Lumpkin: Florence Shinn, New Thought, and the Age of the Personal God
Joseph Lumpkin, author, researcher, publisher and founder/CEO of Fifth Estate Publishing, joins me for an extensive discussion on the early roots of the New Thought Movement. New Thought is not a religion. It does not use prayer in the same way religions do. Yet, in it's attention to the underlying biblical principles it has uncovered the universal mechanism by which all prayer works.
In this discussion we unpack the idea of the underlying construct of prayer.

Eye Of The Needle -July 2022 | “Zozobra” (Soul Desolation in Times of Plague)
This episode is both personal and universal. My own experience with the "virus" and the unexpected sense of soul desolation that followed, with some commentary on the evolvement of technology and its dark ends.
"...the telltale sign of zozobra is wobbling and toggling between perspectives, being unable to relax into a single framework to make sense of things.” … indiscriminately dismissing one extreme in favor of the other. In this to and fro the soul suffers, it feels torn and wounded.”-Emilio Uranga

Philip Coppens: Ancient Alien Questions from the Archive Series
In August of 2012 I had the opportunity to interview the late Philip Coppens on a live radio show over the old Wolf Spirit Radio network. Coppens, at the time was a well-respected researcher, author, and featured narrator in 56 episodes of the HISTORY CHANNEL’s “Ancient Aliens” series. This is the full interview (2:24:00) of that conversation which goes wide and deep into topics around “aliens”, the “gods”, the nature of what we call extraterrestrial, mythologies, astronomical and astrological aspects, and inside the questions of history itself.

Into the Field (a narrative on the non-physical) interview and production by Niish w-Randy Maugans
We started out with a blank sheet of paper and filled in the dots...it went where it had to and the dots all connected in the field.

Summer Solstice 2022 LIVE Show w/ WolfeAmos: "Set the Controls for the HEART of the Sun"
An observation of a very crucial Summer Solstice . When we align with the seasons of nature both terrestrial and galactic, we amplify the frequencies of the heart interchange—-the place where the deep energies of the Central and Local Sun data streams through us. Our hopes, thoughts, and intentions are amplified and we boost the energetics and harmonic here on earth.

James Martinez: The Invisible 3rd World War
Our current world situation is the culmination of a protracted, multifaceted program of weaponized psycho-warfare and stripping of the human capacity to utilize the mind—the brain— as a proactive force for empowerment. But, behind the scenes of the counterculture of the 1970s-1990s, a small group of occultists labored for decades to penetrate the inner circles of power elites utilizing a force that terrifies even the largest military powers: telepathy.

Temporal Recon: Original interview and updated (2017)
In 2000, a man calling himself John Titor began posting online claiming to be a time traveler from 2036. His mission? Travel to 1975, make contact with his own grandfather and retrieve an obscure IBM computer to help in the reconstruction of American infrastructure after a nuclear war with Russia in 2015. John Titor’s postings generated intense interest and hot debate at the time. Even now in 2017, people still find Titor’s writings incredibly compelling.
The author, known only as Temporal Recon/Anonymous, continues to research the phenomena and intriguing aspects of the John Titor story.

Randy Maugans and Jeffrey Sewell | Metabiology: Face to Face with Artificial Intelligence
We are speaking on a subject that is vital for humanity to comprehend, AI or artificial intelligence, our objective is to further disclose how this is influencing humanity in subtle and not so subtle ways, for without knowledge of its existence or comprehension of its prevalence humanity is easily being led into more sophisticated technological control mechanisms.