Niish | The Simulacrum In Utero Pt1
The technology of assimilation. We are “getting interfaced” via algorithmic experiences which are not part of our natural system. There are keys to detecting this encroachment: we reverse the algorithms using sensory cues as markers for experiential shifts programmed by the A.I. bots.
This alien infection follows the course of “natural” viruses (viruses are not, per se, natural) via inflammation, brain fog, debilitating long term effects of radiation and biological terraforming. Our world—our bodies are the battleground, Knowing this, we either become more aware and counter the invaders—or we are subsumed?

Grey Aliens and Artificial Intelligence w/ Danielle Silverman and Prof. John Biggerstaff Pt2
We are joined by Danielle Silverman, chief researcher, long time colleague, and editorial consultant to the late Nigel Kerner; along with Professor John P. Biggerstaff, also a long time colleague and scientific voice in numerous radio presentations.
Reveals How Our Rush Toward a Technologically Advanced Future is Part of the Grey Alien Agenda
Humanity’s biggest existential threat is our headlong rush to a technologically advanced future. Already we increasingly rely on smart devices tothe point that they are becoming extensions of our bodies. We are at a turning point for our species in which our natural humanity is gradually being converted into an artificial format that will lead to the loss of our souls. And, as Nigel Kerner revealsin astonishing detail, the blueprints for this future already exist.Kerner explains how there are civilizations in our universe that have developed advanced technologies to become entirely artificial.

Grey Aliens and Artificial Intelligence w/ Danielle Silverman and Prof. John Biggerstaff-Part 1
We are joined by Danielle Silverman, chief researcher, long time colleague, and editorial consultant to the late Nigel Kerner; along with Professor John P. Biggerstaff, also a long time colleague and scientific voice in numerous radio presentations.
Humanity’s biggest existential threat is our headlong rush to a technologically advanced future. Already we increasingly rely on smart devices tothe point that they are becoming extensions of our bodies. We are at a turning point for our species in which our natural humanity is gradually being converted into an artificial format that will lead to the loss of our souls. And, as Nigel Kerner revealsin astonishing detail, the blueprints for this future already exist.Kerner explains how there are civilizations in our universe that have developed advanced technologies to become entirely artificial.

Elise E | Breaking Down MKUltra: Our Life Beyond
In this one-on-one interview, former MkUltra asset, Elise, goes deep into her healing process from the trauma, multiple personalities, and violent abuse of the covert operations umbrellaed under MKUltra. She explains the relationship between her "front personality" and the multiples; the role the "alters" played in constructing the collages; how these "beings", as she calls them, also wanted it all to end.
We go through the complications of fear, guilt, and shame; and how forgiveness operates on a very high level. The importance of the conversation is that, through orchestrated mass events (the most recent beginning in 2020), MKUltra techniques have been taken global. The principles of healing are universal: whether from covert programs, violence or sexual abuse---any type of trauma---operates on the unconscious level. The answer is in the Spiritual.

James Bartley | Dark Frequency Mass Infection: The Cosmic Theater of War on the Human
James Bartley joins us to cast a sharp eye and broad mind onto the landscape of this present earth system. It may sound "dark"---it is. It may seem hopeless---it is NOT. We work through the puzzles as people of exceptional vision, what were once shadows now have form. Understanding that we move forward.
Topics: Weather, weather wars, artificial weather, climate change; the cosmic war: A.I.,the Wetiko, demiurgic, archontic “ghost in the machine” scenario….

Randy Maugans and Jeffrey Sewell | Metabiology: Face to Face with Artificial Intelligence
We are speaking on a subject that is vital for humanity to comprehend, AI or artificial intelligence, our objective is to further disclose how this is influencing humanity in subtle and not so subtle ways, for without knowledge of its existence or comprehension of its prevalence humanity is easily being led into more sophisticated technological control mechanisms.

Nigel Kerner: A.I., Alien Abduction, and The Secret Of Light-Parts 1&2
In November of 2010, we opened the inquiry into A.I. (artificial intelligence) with this show. The conversation has continued now over a decade.
This show was conducted over Skype connecting Nigel, Dr. Silverman, Professor Biggerstaff, and myself for what was a two episode session for the original Exotica Radio Show (the predecessor of OffPlanet Radio). To observe this milestone show, it is now presented, for the first time as a single presentation. ―Randy Maugans, November 19, 2015.

Nigel Kerner: Soulcatcher a/k/a “Simcard Man”
Author-researcher, Nigel Kerner, from the UK, returns for a discussion on the state of human "being" in the age of the microchip. The juncture of technology and the human interface defines a boundary parallel to alien abduction and experimentation. The soul of humanity is the essense of the great struggle...as the technocrats from Ray Kurzweil to Bill gates deploy the assets of money and influence...do they do the bidding of the aliens, who, likewise covet the human soul? The "soulcatchers" are both alien and machine. Unreasoning, uncompprehending, of the power of humanity; we, likewise are largely ignorant of our own power and authority.