Elise E | Breaking Down MKUltra: Our Life Beyond
In this one-on-one interview, former MkUltra asset, Elise, goes deep into her healing process from the trauma, multiple personalities, and violent abuse of the covert operations umbrellaed under MKUltra. She explains the relationship between her "front personality" and the multiples; the role the "alters" played in constructing the collages; how these "beings", as she calls them, also wanted it all to end.
We go through the complications of fear, guilt, and shame; and how forgiveness operates on a very high level. The importance of the conversation is that, through orchestrated mass events (the most recent beginning in 2020), MKUltra techniques have been taken global. The principles of healing are universal: whether from covert programs, violence or sexual abuse---any type of trauma---operates on the unconscious level. The answer is in the Spiritual.