Eye of the Needle 2022 | 11-07-22: "Eclipse I"
It's duality, yet its a monolith...a thing IS and is NOT.
How to explain the journey home---we NEVER left.
Like children returning from an adventure at dusk, as shadows loom and creatures of imagination run rampant. Yet, the glow of the light from a place we call "home" beckons us back to what is safe, what is calm, and from whence we came as part of a Unity that can never be severed. The Soul knows its way home...

Conversation with Carlos del Angel: Light Over Darkness
Carlos del Angel is the voice to Latin America about the UFO (now called UAPS) phenomenon. About sightings, "contacts", abductions, and the mystical aspects of the occult system which presently rules over this world. Carlos is, was I say at the beginning, my brother from another mother. He is the founder of the "Shiny Demise Project" which encompasses his radio broadcasts and book writing projects to there Latin world.

James Bartley-The Cosmic Switchboard: Randy Maugans Interview-Part 1: The Consciousness Field
In-depth exploration of the human capacities and present limitations to operate in the consciousness field. How humans are constructed to receive information from nature—-both terrestrial and “space bounded”. How the galactic system itself IS a highly active codes generation field via the galactic Central Sun and its network of local sun-stars. How certain “off world”/”alien” races have fenced off this capacity; how the elevated energies are now coming through despite the “Annunaki grid works”; what this means for humanity now and in the near future.
To be honest, I was worried if this interview even held up. I know I was tapping into all my reserve forces to do this talk. Was it even coherent? Sometimes, I just know it isn't the egoic "me" that does these stream-of-consciousness presentations. I thank the Guides for being there throughout this entire conversation. And most high praises for Mr. Bartley, who is a master interviewer in his own right.

Summer Solstice 2022 LIVE Show w/ WolfeAmos: "Set the Controls for the HEART of the Sun"
An observation of a very crucial Summer Solstice . When we align with the seasons of nature both terrestrial and galactic, we amplify the frequencies of the heart interchange—-the place where the deep energies of the Central and Local Sun data streams through us. Our hopes, thoughts, and intentions are amplified and we boost the energetics and harmonic here on earth.

The Object Report and Hybrids Project with Agent D and Agent K: Men in the Shadows of Disclosure
Men in the shadows of disclosure: Agent D and Agent KWe engage a mind meld interview with Agent D and Agent K of the Object Report blogs, who have been working non-stop behind the UFO scene since 1996 when the duo first made contact. Their collective knowledge of the subject through book reading, networking, publishing and investigative reporting has grown over the years accordingly. The Object Report is an uncompromising source of raw news as the contact phenomenon unfolds. Notable, as well are the rich graphic elements which serve to accurately present UFO and ET data in a forensic manner (both men are graphic professionals).

Whitley Streiber interview - Specters and Aliens
Whitley Strieber, author of "Communion" and "Solving the Communion Enigma," discussed his experiences with close encounters, which began in December 1985 and lasted 11 years.
He recounts a story of an FAA inspector whose son claimed to see "little blue men," highlighting the common occurrence of the dead appearing in such encounters. Strieber shared his own traumatic experiences, including being raped and injured, and the presence of a mysterious implant. He also discussed the integration of military and paranormal elements, the impact on DNA, and the broader implications for human consciousness and evolution.

The Second Axial Age with Joseph Lumpkin
Just as axial man passed through a change of consciousness and moved away from tribalism, polytheism, and ritual sacrifice; we are now experriencing an acceleration towards awareness of the creation, of a quantum wholeness, of a GOD who is “in” us; of of a reality that connects the dots, and bridges the distance between Deity and humanity—-and of human to human. Away from the ‘us’ and ‘them’ and toward ‘I and Thou’.