The Receivers: Psychosphere
This psychosphere, then, is simply the echo chamber of human resonance trapped in a perceptual bubble. It is an artifice of the fragmented soul selves who cast into deeply differentiated, you would say, ‘egoic’ units of cognition.

Philip Coppens: Ancient Alien Questions from the Archive Series
In August of 2012 I had the opportunity to interview the late Philip Coppens on a live radio show over the old Wolf Spirit Radio network. Coppens, at the time was a well-respected researcher, author, and featured narrator in 56 episodes of the HISTORY CHANNEL’s “Ancient Aliens” series. This is the full interview (2:24:00) of that conversation which goes wide and deep into topics around “aliens”, the “gods”, the nature of what we call extraterrestrial, mythologies, astronomical and astrological aspects, and inside the questions of history itself.