James Bartley-The Cosmic Switchboard: Randy Maugans Interview-Part 1: The Consciousness Field
In-depth exploration of the human capacities and present limitations to operate in the consciousness field. How humans are constructed to receive information from nature—-both terrestrial and “space bounded”. How the galactic system itself IS a highly active codes generation field via the galactic Central Sun and its network of local sun-stars. How certain “off world”/”alien” races have fenced off this capacity; how the elevated energies are now coming through despite the “Annunaki grid works”; what this means for humanity now and in the near future.
To be honest, I was worried if this interview even held up. I know I was tapping into all my reserve forces to do this talk. Was it even coherent? Sometimes, I just know it isn't the egoic "me" that does these stream-of-consciousness presentations. I thank the Guides for being there throughout this entire conversation. And most high praises for Mr. Bartley, who is a master interviewer in his own right.

Robert Stanley | Archons: Interdimensional Negative Controllers of Humankind
Robert Stanley joins us to present his findings into the subject of the Archons, who/what they are, the origins, relations to demons, djinn, and other dark entities. Robert also goes into his own interactions with both the archontic beings and his encounters with light beings, including his own awakening in Malibu, CA in 1985.