Niish | The Simulacrum In Utero Pt1
The technology of assimilation. We are “getting interfaced” via algorithmic experiences which are not part of our natural system. There are keys to detecting this encroachment: we reverse the algorithms using sensory cues as markers for experiential shifts programmed by the A.I. bots.
This alien infection follows the course of “natural” viruses (viruses are not, per se, natural) via inflammation, brain fog, debilitating long term effects of radiation and biological terraforming. Our world—our bodies are the battleground, Knowing this, we either become more aware and counter the invaders—or we are subsumed?

Confronting The Duality - Earth Empaths and Randy Maugans
Christine Anderson and Claudia (a/ka/ Karelia) run the earthempaths.net website, and hosted this conversation which grew out of discussions we had about where humankind is headed in this "compression cycle" (eye of the needle) epoch. Words are sometimes limited as to how to convey what we are facing---the breakdown of our duality-based reality; the convergence of seemingly warring factions of the collective consciousness towards a completely new paradigm---or---a logical split in the race.

Nigel Kerner: Soulcatcher a/k/a “Simcard Man”
Author-researcher, Nigel Kerner, from the UK, returns for a discussion on the state of human "being" in the age of the microchip. The juncture of technology and the human interface defines a boundary parallel to alien abduction and experimentation. The soul of humanity is the essense of the great struggle...as the technocrats from Ray Kurzweil to Bill gates deploy the assets of money and influence...do they do the bidding of the aliens, who, likewise covet the human soul? The "soulcatchers" are both alien and machine. Unreasoning, uncompprehending, of the power of humanity; we, likewise are largely ignorant of our own power and authority.