Conversation with Carlos del Angel: Light Over Darkness
Carlos del Angel is the voice to Latin America about the UFO (now called UAPS) phenomenon. About sightings, "contacts", abductions, and the mystical aspects of the occult system which presently rules over this world. Carlos is, was I say at the beginning, my brother from another mother. He is the founder of the "Shiny Demise Project" which encompasses his radio broadcasts and book writing projects to there Latin world.

Grey Aliens and Artificial Intelligence w/ Danielle Silverman and Prof. John Biggerstaff Pt2
We are joined by Danielle Silverman, chief researcher, long time colleague, and editorial consultant to the late Nigel Kerner; along with Professor John P. Biggerstaff, also a long time colleague and scientific voice in numerous radio presentations.
Reveals How Our Rush Toward a Technologically Advanced Future is Part of the Grey Alien Agenda
Humanity’s biggest existential threat is our headlong rush to a technologically advanced future. Already we increasingly rely on smart devices tothe point that they are becoming extensions of our bodies. We are at a turning point for our species in which our natural humanity is gradually being converted into an artificial format that will lead to the loss of our souls. And, as Nigel Kerner revealsin astonishing detail, the blueprints for this future already exist.Kerner explains how there are civilizations in our universe that have developed advanced technologies to become entirely artificial.

Grey Aliens and Artificial Intelligence w/ Danielle Silverman and Prof. John Biggerstaff-Part 1
We are joined by Danielle Silverman, chief researcher, long time colleague, and editorial consultant to the late Nigel Kerner; along with Professor John P. Biggerstaff, also a long time colleague and scientific voice in numerous radio presentations.
Humanity’s biggest existential threat is our headlong rush to a technologically advanced future. Already we increasingly rely on smart devices tothe point that they are becoming extensions of our bodies. We are at a turning point for our species in which our natural humanity is gradually being converted into an artificial format that will lead to the loss of our souls. And, as Nigel Kerner revealsin astonishing detail, the blueprints for this future already exist.Kerner explains how there are civilizations in our universe that have developed advanced technologies to become entirely artificial.

James Bartley | Dark Frequency Mass Infection: The Cosmic Theater of War on the Human
James Bartley joins us to cast a sharp eye and broad mind onto the landscape of this present earth system. It may sound "dark"---it is. It may seem hopeless---it is NOT. We work through the puzzles as people of exceptional vision, what were once shadows now have form. Understanding that we move forward.
Topics: Weather, weather wars, artificial weather, climate change; the cosmic war: A.I.,the Wetiko, demiurgic, archontic “ghost in the machine” scenario….

The Hidden Gateway Podcast - Jesston Williams w guest, Randy Maugans
Host Jesston Williams is a very new acquaintance/friend, whom I met through intro via Niish. He asked me to come on his podcast for a---what turned out to be---pretty expansive 90 minutes of gestalt busting. I never know what any particular interviewer will ask me, that's the fun of being an interview subject. The interactions are synergistic and many times my spontaneous replies are unexpected, even to me. This is one of those.

Philip Coppens: Ancient Alien Questions from the Archive Series
In August of 2012 I had the opportunity to interview the late Philip Coppens on a live radio show over the old Wolf Spirit Radio network. Coppens, at the time was a well-respected researcher, author, and featured narrator in 56 episodes of the HISTORY CHANNEL’s “Ancient Aliens” series. This is the full interview (2:24:00) of that conversation which goes wide and deep into topics around “aliens”, the “gods”, the nature of what we call extraterrestrial, mythologies, astronomical and astrological aspects, and inside the questions of history itself.

Nigel Kerner: A.I., Alien Abduction, and The Secret Of Light-Parts 1&2
In November of 2010, we opened the inquiry into A.I. (artificial intelligence) with this show. The conversation has continued now over a decade.
This show was conducted over Skype connecting Nigel, Dr. Silverman, Professor Biggerstaff, and myself for what was a two episode session for the original Exotica Radio Show (the predecessor of OffPlanet Radio). To observe this milestone show, it is now presented, for the first time as a single presentation. ―Randy Maugans, November 19, 2015.

Robert Stanley | Archons: Interdimensional Negative Controllers of Humankind
Robert Stanley joins us to present his findings into the subject of the Archons, who/what they are, the origins, relations to demons, djinn, and other dark entities. Robert also goes into his own interactions with both the archontic beings and his encounters with light beings, including his own awakening in Malibu, CA in 1985.

The Object Report and Hybrids Project with Agent D and Agent K: Men in the Shadows of Disclosure
Men in the shadows of disclosure: Agent D and Agent KWe engage a mind meld interview with Agent D and Agent K of the Object Report blogs, who have been working non-stop behind the UFO scene since 1996 when the duo first made contact. Their collective knowledge of the subject through book reading, networking, publishing and investigative reporting has grown over the years accordingly. The Object Report is an uncompromising source of raw news as the contact phenomenon unfolds. Notable, as well are the rich graphic elements which serve to accurately present UFO and ET data in a forensic manner (both men are graphic professionals).

Whitley Streiber interview - Specters and Aliens
Whitley Strieber, author of "Communion" and "Solving the Communion Enigma," discussed his experiences with close encounters, which began in December 1985 and lasted 11 years.
He recounts a story of an FAA inspector whose son claimed to see "little blue men," highlighting the common occurrence of the dead appearing in such encounters. Strieber shared his own traumatic experiences, including being raped and injured, and the presence of a mysterious implant. He also discussed the integration of military and paranormal elements, the impact on DNA, and the broader implications for human consciousness and evolution.

Nigel Kerner: Soulcatcher a/k/a “Simcard Man”
Author-researcher, Nigel Kerner, from the UK, returns for a discussion on the state of human "being" in the age of the microchip. The juncture of technology and the human interface defines a boundary parallel to alien abduction and experimentation. The soul of humanity is the essense of the great struggle...as the technocrats from Ray Kurzweil to Bill gates deploy the assets of money and influence...do they do the bidding of the aliens, who, likewise covet the human soul? The "soulcatchers" are both alien and machine. Unreasoning, uncompprehending, of the power of humanity; we, likewise are largely ignorant of our own power and authority.