The Official OffPlanet Radio-TV website

From a portal in a (not so) distant dimension a channel opened and a voice emerged. Internet radio was never the same. Welcome to the homebase of one of the internet’s original alt-media outposts. Archive and new shows are continuously updated. This is OffPlanet Radio.

Niish | The Simulacrum In Utero Pt1

The technology of assimilation. We are “getting interfaced” via algorithmic experiences which are not part of our natural system. There are keys to detecting this encroachment: we reverse the algorithms using sensory cues as markers for experiential shifts programmed by the A.I. bots.

This alien infection follows the course of “natural” viruses (viruses are not, per se, natural) via inflammation, brain fog, debilitating long term effects of radiation and biological terraforming. Our world—our bodies are the battleground, Knowing this, we either become more aware and counter the invaders—or we are subsumed.

The Receivers Material | Psychosphere: Breaking Down The Construct

The artifice of this psychosphere, the zeitgeist (or spirit of the time) of the human collective has been “hacked” so to speak, to block the finer energies of the Central Sun system and its pulsing of the nascent quickening forces, which serve to initiate the first pulses of awakening on this world.

From the Archives of OffPlanet Radio: February 1, 2023
Jon Kelly
Dream Warfare and Voice-based Disclosure

Archive Shows

Nov 27 2011 Written By Randy Maugans

"Dream Warfare" in MKUltra-style mind control death ops, and voice based disclosure: the human voice often discloses the contents and perceptions of the subconscious mind, even deeply buried, and often symbolic images that occur in the human dream state...this goes deeply into mind control, the secret projects of intelligence, military, and government agencies...and is a rear window into the workings of both victims and perpetrators in events that have shaped the headlines for over 40 years.

Future and Past are ONE: Prophecy and Insight

Whitley Streiber interview - Specters and Aliens

Originally podcast: 03-28-2012

Visitations…and the dead ….The spectrum of experiences in the skies and in our homes; aliens and Paranormal Visitations

The veil has thinned


Originally podcast in November 2022
This is a NOW message that has no expiration date. Prelude to the coming April 8, 2024 ECLIPSE!

It's duality, yet its a monolith...a thing IS and is NOT.
How to explain the journey home---we NEVER left.

Eye of the Needle | The Receivers: Terminus

The pivot and the incursion of technology into the realm of the human creational sphere; “Warning Will Robinson'!” 

Originally podcast March 13, 2021, this show details the ongoing “shift” and the roles of those of you who are HERE to effect the change in the field of consciousness on planet Earth at this time.

The Receivers are a group entity-consciousness comprised of ancestral, angelic, and aspect selves operating through automatic writing to the Scribe.

Conversation with Carlos del Angel: Light Over Darkness

Carlos del Angel is the voice to Latin America about the UFOl(now called UAPS) phenomenon. About sightings, "contacts", abductions, and the mystical aspects of the occult system which presently rules over this world. Carlos is, was I say at the beginning, my brother from another mother. He is the founder of the "Shiny Demise Project" which encompasses his radio broadcasts and book writing projects to there Latin world.

In this conversation we discuss many aspects of the deceptions we currently live under, the slowly dawning "awakening' this occurring, and why humanity can come through this period of time into a much better world guided by light and love, despite all appearences.

December 12, 2022

Confronting The Duality: Re-unification of the Christ Consciousness and Sons of Man

Christine Anderson and Claudia (a/ka/ Karelia) run the website, and hosted this conversation which grew out of discussions we had about where humankind is headed in this "compression cycle" (eye of the needle) epoch. Words are sometimes limited as to how to convey what we are facing---the breakdown of our duality-based reality; the convergence of seemingly warring factions of the collective consciousness towards a completely new paradigm---or---a logical split in the race.

April 9, 2023
Grey Aliens and Artificial Intelligence
Part 1 Part 2

The Battle between Natural and Synthetic Beings for the Human Soul
with Danielle Silverman and Prof. John Biggerstaff

We discuss the background of the trilogy which began with the publication of “The Song of the Greys” in 1998, the major release of “Grey Aliens and the Harvesting of Souls” in 2010 and the final release which summarizes Nigels’s theses regarding alien intervention in human development and the technological convergence of man and machine which is now at our doorsteps—-literally.

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Disclosure is NOW...The Truth is inside you…The information is in front of your eyes.